You can download the software for Windows, Linux, and Mac. I like using USB disks because they are compact, and, have faster reads, which means a faster installation.

It has a collection of pre-defined distributions and system utilities similar to the Universal USB installer but the size of the collection is much small compared to UUI. The conventional process of using the Proxmox VE installer ISO is to either burn it to an optical disk (guaranteed to work), or, use a tool like dd in linux to write the ISO image directly to a USB disk, and, hope it works. This is another free tool for bootable Live USB creation.
Rufus offered a portable version that you can use without having to install it. Rufus is one of the lightest of all the software tools. Able to edit, extract, create and copy ISO file.It is great for creating bootable USB or DVD from Windows ISO images. After five clicks, a bootable USB drive will be ready for OS installation or system rescue.

Obviously the image will only fit on a USB HD, so it should be saved to one. the one I use is winpex86.iso from a torrent site.-that iso has Paragon imager software on it, boot that up-TAKE an image of the WINDOWS SYSTEM PARTITION ONLY. Select an ISO file or a distribution to download, select a target drive (USB Drive. boot a windows PE5 iso from YUMI/USB key. You don’t need to know any tech terms to get the program working. UNetbootin allows you to create bootable Live USB drives for Ubuntu.

All the technical details are under the hood. The most noticeable advantage is that this program is extremely easy to use. When it comes to ISO burning, UUByte ISO Editor is always your best friend.